Denmark - Superliga

Lyngby / Nordsjælland 16/03 05:00 PM

Lyngby / Nordsjælland

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16/03 17:00

Lyngby / Nordsjælland

Lyngby Nordsjælland

Denmark, Denmark - Superliga


Double chance

goalscorer (regular time)

Anytime goalscorer
Who will score the goal 1 ?
Last goalscorer
Benjamin Nygren
Egeli, Sindre Walle
Iloski, Milan
Lahteenmaki, Juho
Gustav Medonca Wikheim
Ascone, Rocco
Dorgeles, Mario
Sertdemir, Zidan
Mark Brink Christensen
Janssen, Justin
Mohammed, Araphat
Yirenkyi, Caleb Marfo
Hogsberg, Lucas
Tobias Salquist
Acquah, Stephen
Anytime goalscorer
Who will score the goal 1 ?
Last goalscorer
Frederik Gytkjaer
Abubakari, Abdul Malik
Cornelius, Jesper
Magnusson, Saevar
Warming, Magnus
Mathias Hebo Rasmussen
Fraulo, Gustav Leone
Langhoff, Peter
Sandgrav, Lauge
Casper Kaarsbo Winther
Rasmus Thelander
Andersson, Adam
Rolland, Baptiste
Oskar Buur Rasmussen
Brian Tomming Hamalainen

Both team to score ?

Both team to score ?

Lyngby - Over Under

Over / Under goals for Lyngby in 1st half ?
Over / Under goals for Lyngby in 2nd half ?

Nordsjælland - Over Under


Both teams to score and Over/Under 2.5 goals ?

Clean sheet

Lyngby to keep a clean sheet?
Nordsjælland to keep a clean sheet?
Lyngby to clean sheet in 1st Half?
Nordsjælland to clean sheet in 1st Half?
Lyngby to clean sheet in 2nd Half?
Nordsjælland to clean sheet in 2nd Half?

1st Team to Score

Which team scores goal 1 in the first half?
Which team scores goal 1 in the 2nd half?


Lyngby will win both halves?
Nordsjælland will win both halves?
Will Lyngby win at least one half ?
Will Nordsjælland win at least one half ?
Over 1.5 goals in each half ?
Under 1.5 goals in each half ?

Team to Score

Which team to score at least one goal ? (Only one possibility)

Lyngby - Number of goals

Nordsjælland - Number of goals

Half with most

Both Team to Score in the 1st Half

Both teams to score in 1st half?

1st Half Number of Goals

Number of goals in 1st half?
Number of goals in 1st half?

Both Team to Score in the 2nd Half

Both teams to score in 2nd half?

2nd Half Number of Goals

Number of goals in 2nd half ?

Half Time Margin

Handicap (-0.5) - To win the 2nd half
Handicap (+0.5) - To win the 2nd half
Handicap (+1.5) - To win the 2nd half

2way Special

Who will win the match? (refunded if Lyngby wins)
Who will win the match? (refunded if Nordsjælland wins)

Special Bets - 2nd Half

Draw no bet - 2nd Half

Period Handicap

Half Time betting

Odd - Even

Number of goals, odd or even?
Lyngby total goals, odd or even?
Nordsjælland total goals, odd or even?
Number of goals in first half odd or even ?
Number of goals in 2nd half, odd or even ?

Double Chance - Half Time

Double Chance - 1st half
Double Chance - 2nd Half

Lyngby scores in both halves

Lyngby to score in both halves?

Nordsjælland to win to Nil

Nordsjælland to win to nil

Lyngby to win to Nil

Lyngby to win to nil

Nordsjælland scores in both halves

Nordsjælland to score in both halves?

Next Goal

2way Handicap

Handicap (-0.5) - To win the match
Handicap (+0.5) - To win the match
Handicap (+1.5) - To win the match

Mi-temps + de buts Lyngby

Half with most goals for Lyngby

Mi-temps + de buts Nordsjælland

Half with most goals for Nordsjælland

My bets 0

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