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21/12 20:00
Minas Tenis Clube / Sesi-Sp
Minas Tenis Clube Sesi-Sp
Brazil, Brazil - Superliga
Who will win the match?
Set - Winner
Set 1 - Who will win the set?
Set 2 - Who will win the set?
Set 3 - Who will win the set?
Set 4 - Who will win the set?
Set 5 - Who will win the set?
Over Under
Over / Under points ?
Over Under Set
Set 1 - Over / Under points?
Asian Handicap
Handicap (-11.5) - Who will score most points?
Handicap (-3.5) - Who will score most points?
Handicap (-5.5) - Who will score most points?
Handicap (-7.5) - Who will score most points?
Handicap (-9.5) - Who will score most points?
Set Margin
Set 1 Handicap (-2.5) - Who will score most points?